Monday, July 19, 2010

Red Dead Redemption

First off this guy is ugly. John Marston

You go after someone right away but get shot and left for dead. A lady named Bonnie MacFarlane saves you though and gets you fixed up. The first area to hang out at is her ranch. Then you go to meet the sheriff in Armadillo.

I did a couple more missions. I met crazy Seth and helped him get his map back.
I did a mission for that snake oil salesman, Nigel West Dickens, where I had to do some shooting to prove that this elixir was enhancing my skills. I shot a skull off a building from far away, then some guy thought I was faking it so I had to shoot his hat when he threw it in the air, I fought him and then after he pulled a gun out on me I had to shoot it out of his hand. He ended up buying some elixir.
I solved the mystery of what was happening in the hills. There was a cannibal up there. I killed him.
I did a couple more mission for Bonnie too.

I did a cool mission for the sheriff where Bonnie was kidnapped and I had to exchange a prisoner for her. They had her in a hangman's noose as I shot thru the bad guys towards the middle of town and I finally figured out how to shoot her down. I've passed a few people in noose's but I'd shoot at the rope and would never free them. This time I tried something different: Dead Eye Aiming! That's what it took! So luckily for her I saved the day!

Another cool thing I did was get the 'Dastardly' trophy. To get this you have to lasso and hogtie a women, stick her on the back of your horse and ride her to the railroad tracks. Just lay her down on there like the old school wild west criminals did and wait for the train. Good fun! I twirled my mustache evilly as I waited for the train. I like the crazy stuff like that you can do in this game.

Starting to get a little sick of this game. When in Mexico I was always the whole way over to the right side of the map and all the missions were the whole way to the left. It just started seeming like such a chore to get on a horse and ride the whole way over there again and again. It took so long, you'd always get distracted on the way and prob die and have to start all over. I just wasn't feeling it as much during that part of the game.

Does this game ever end? I spent this past weekend doing a lot of the 'little' tasks. I completed the treasure map challenge and I think I handled all the strangers tasks as well. I was doing stuff like that because after leaving Mexico I have since took down the leader of my old gang and after everything I've done I thought that was going to be the end but it wasn't. The government gave my family back and my missions revolved around them now. I could take my kid and teach him how to hunt or help my uncle herd some cattle. Some of that was kind of boring so that's why I got distracted with a lot of the other stuff I haven't got to yet. When I finally took on the last mission I figured this had to be it. The government was after me now. I guess they felt they had to shut me up after everything they made me do. I saw to it that my wife and son were taken care of and then I stepped out of the barn to face them. You go into Dead Eye and try and take down 50+ dudes but it wasn't happening. They left me to die in a pool of my own blood. (It was later hinted to me that you could shoot your way outta this but I don't think that is true) My son turned back and buried me but it wasn't over yet. As the cut scene panned back from my grave there was another beside me, my wife. The figure that was kneeling looked like my character but it wasn't. It was my son all grown up. Now I can control him. The game is going on!!