Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Gaming Xmas 2013

Even though the PS4 was the main family gift of the season this Xmas the winner as far as I say is Wii U. Great games to play and we got a ton of add on content for Disney Infinity as Isaac got a ton of the missing figures he needed. If it wasn't for the Lego game (which I could have bought on Wii U but I got on PS4 for the trophies) we wouldn't be messing with the PS4 at all.

Batman Arkham Origins (Wii U)
I like this game. It's been a while since I've played the new Batman game at Xmas (2011). I understand it's a prequel. I'm okay with that. I see that it's like the same engine, same fighting system, most of the same weapons. I'm cool with that. I liked that before and more is better. There are some issues. The upgrade system seems totally worthless. I never know what to choose as they all are equally stupid. I feel although all the parts from the previous games seem to be here I still feel like there is something missing. The Riddler trophies seem to be slightly different too. I'm still working on it. I still like it. Not happy that it continues to crash my system. Happened at least 5 times now. The one day it doesn't say I played at all yet I played for over 6 hours. Not cool. 8/10

The Legend Of Zelda The Wind Waker HD (Wii U)
I played this game before. It's Zelda of course I love it but wasn't the big pitch back then that the cartoony style would make it ageless. Yet now they promote the new HD style. I definitely like the Gannondorf figure that came with it. Too busy playing everything else I got to get sucked into this yet. 9/10

Super Mario 3D World (Wii U)
I get to pick Luigi from the get go. Instantly the best game of Xmas this year so far. Fun, the cats are cool, the new map is cool and I like the stamps and Miiverse integration. 9/10

Playstation 4
Seems like this is going to be a killer system....someday. Not today. I barely could pick any games out that I felt deserved my money. The system itself is entrancing. I don't like that its not backwards compatible with PS3 and it seems like a major step back that there is no DCHP support. That better be in the first major firmware update. 7/10

Lego Marvel Super Heroes (PS4)
This game needed to be the best. I 100%ed Lego City Undercover. So far I can see the ambition but I'm not blown away as I thought I would with this cast of characters and history. I definitely like it and maybe it's still growing on me. I am planning on Platinuming this so I should see about all there is to see in the end. So far 7/10

Killzone Shadow Fall (PS4)
Pretty much the only reason I bough this game is because it was like the best of the worst that was the PS4 launch lineup. I"m confused. I don't know what this OWL thing can do for me. I haven't really encountered much shooting yet but I think I am only on chapter 2 so far. Between this, Battlefield 4 and Call Of Duty Ghosts was what I was able to narrow down my choices to and I knew I was going to be slightly disappointed no matter what. Still waiting for Watch Dogs and Infamous 4/10

Deadpool (PS3)
Fun shooter slasher. Have to keep my PS3 hooked up to play this. 8/10

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Good Zelda Timeline site

I suggest reading this site which has a sweet Zelda timeline explanation. I wanted to post this so I don't lose it. Hopefully it gets updated when future games are released.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Rank the Zelda Games

Prima lists top ten Zelda games of all-time

This made me think of my own list

5. The Legend Of Zelda
4. Twilight Princess
3. A Link To The Past
2. Skyward Sword
1. Ocarina Of Time