Friday, May 28, 2010

The 2nd Time My Wii Was broke

Well my order from Amazon finally came. I opened my mailbox when I got home from work last night and there was a nice little brown box addressed to me. I grabbed everything up and went in the house to open it up. I swear I heard Mario yell as I took it out of the box and the theme song even played underneath - SUPER MARIO GALAXY!!!

My Wii better be working I thought as I ripped the plastic shrink wrap off. I heard the disc drive start up as I popped the game in. Uh oh!! :(

This was not good. My Wii has never been the same since lightning struck.

Two days after the Patriots failed to achieve the perfect season (THANK YOU LORD!!) I got a frantic phone call while I was at work to get home quickly. There was a disaster! Apparently across the street from my house a tree fell and landed on some power lines and fried our whole house. The guy right next to the pole got some too but we were really bad off. Maybe I'll tell this whole story somewhere else later because I am getting off track here.

The point is my Wii didn't work anymore. I thought it was toast so I cried and called Nintendo support. They were convinced there was no problem. They were confident that the plug adapter thing was designed to stop that sort of thing from happening and they would send me a new one at no charge. WHA??! That's awesome. What was even awesomer was that when it came, it worked!! The only issue now is that my disc drive is LOUD! I know it wasn't like that before but at least it works. I have regained my happiness. I buried the old plug in the backyard at sundown. It was a martyr. It gave it's life to save my Wii and would always hold a place of honor in my heart.

No problems with the Wii (other than the airport decibel level disc drive) in two years. I got Wii Fit Plus for Xmas and I have been jamming on that lately. I got a lot of stuff unlocked and Isaac and I are having a good time exercising. Until one day it told me the save was corrupt and I had to create a new one. WHA??! All my progress is lost. WTF? I never had that happen before. Ok, I'm not happy about this but whatever. I had to do everything over. Unlock everything again. My awesome 1 full hour exercise session was lost. All my graphs of progress are gone too. I guess I'll live though. I mean I did the exercise so I am that much healthier so it doesn't really matter in the end that those results are not saved. Correction: It didn't matter much until it started happening again and again. Every other week my save was corrupted and the Wii was getting more and more troublesome to get to work properly. I started using an SD card to save off my Wii Fit saves every day when I was done and then deleting the system save and re-copying it over the next day to continue but that was a pain in the neck. I pretty much eventually stopped using my Wii due to this issue.

So now I'm sitting here with a brand new 10/10 Mario game and no working Wii to play it on. This was a major bummer. I went to my computer and sent Nintendo an email. I was pretty sure that this was it. I'd probably have to send it in for repairs which would cost me at least $50 plus shipping and handling and I'd be without a Wii for a month. I'd probably also have to rip my cool skin off the Wii or they'd ruin it there and where would I put it, how would I get it back on later? This was depressing. An hour or so later I checked my email and they had written me back already. Due to my issue they needed to talk to me personally so they gave me the number to call. I called and got a nice younger kid that seemed so eager to assist me and was sooo sorrry that I was having troubles. Yeah cut the crap kid just tell me what I need to do here. He seemed to think that it was a system memory issue and to reformat the entire Wii. I'd lose all my saves, and channels and Virtual Console games but I could redownload some of the stuff if I needed. I wasn't too happy about having to do that but at least it was a solution, one that would not force me to send it in. I contemplated sticking the SD card in there and trying to save off my saves but what exactly did I need and why? The Wii wasn't responding properly anyway. I doubt even trying that would work so I decided I was just going to wipe everything.

I clicked on Reformat Wii System Memory and waited to see what would happen. It didn't seem to take that long and when it was done it shut down. I gave it a few seconds and then hit power to boot it back up. When it came on it was like I just got it brand new. I had to choose the system language and set the clock and re-establish my internet connection but it was a lot faster now and everything seemed to be working. I went straight to the Super Mario Galaxy 2 disc and hit Start. It fired right up. I could play!! Everything seemed to be okay now. This was fantastic news!! :D

I really haven't played around with the other stuff so I don't realize what I'm missing yet but so far so good. Nintendo has come thru again for me. You can read my SMG2 blog to read about what I thought there which will be published sooner or later.

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