Monday, May 24, 2010

How I ended up with Red Dead Redemption

Since I preordered Super Mario Galaxy 2 from Amazon that meant I wouldn't have it right on launch day (that will be another blog) but I needed a new game and I got a $25 gift card from Gamestop so what should I do? My thoughts were this at first: Buy Terminator: Salvation used and God Of War Collection. I could get 3 Platinums on these and they were fairly cheap. Although I know Terminator is a POS but lots of people just rape it for the Platinum so I am okay with that. What ended up stopping this from happening (or delaying it) was that I saw the Red Dead Redemption was getting extremely high reviews and I was not expecting that. I remember being on the hype train of the first one back in the days of Xbox (I even bought Dead Man's Hand in anticipation) but this sequel was never really on my radar. Luckily my sense of reason (<3 Alejandra <3) helped me realize that I'd rather have a new exciting game experience rather than the chore of playing 3 games (enjoyable as they may be) just to mine them for trophies.

Once I decide about something like that I act immediately. Sunday morning I knew I had to do a quick grocery shopping run for the week and the Gamestop was right next door so I could hit it then. One thing went wrong here, I walk in, look around, decide to just ask the dude and he says they don't have any. What?! Remember this kids: A game store without the game you want is nary a game store at all.
I tweeted my dissatisfaction immediately to the corporate Gamestop account. I wanted to call around real quick but I had already walked over to the grocery store and told myself that I wasn't in that much of a hurry. I'd get my stuff and call when I got out. Unbelievably the one at the mall didn't have it in stock either. Was this some kind of conspiracy? I had this goal set in my heart and started questioning to what lengths I'd go to to accomplish this. I decided I wouldn't make a special trip to Pittsburgh to get it. I could wait until Monday when I went to work to look but if they had it at this new store I just found out about in Latrobe (Went there on Saturday night with my friend from Derry as he needed to buy an extra PS3 controller) I would make that trip. They did have it. I gave the guy my name to make sure he held it for me and I was off. You can check my foursquare that day. I was all over the place but I accomplished all my goals for that trip and had the game. I didn't play it right away because hockey playoffs were on but I was smart enough to throw it in in case it needed to install or update or whatever since we know what a hassle waiting for that is. I turned the web cam around so Ale could watch the intro with me. She thought we were watching a movie until I took control of the character and started randomly shooting people. Now let's see what can we do now......

I guess I'll make my playthru of the game it's own blog since this little preview thing has gotten out of control.

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